
University Why Difference


Some Key Features That Make SRU A University Par Excellence Are

  • A strong focus on trans-disciplinary approach and research across all programmes and disciplines
  • Integration of Liberal Arts approach to teaching-learning with an aim to promote skills and abilities to think and analyze critically
  • Ensuring merit-based admissions with due weightage given to national/international entrance examination scores, as well as performance in other scholastic and co-scholastic fields including games and sports
  • Embracing students and faculty from various countries to promote diversity, and the interaction and sharing of knowledge, experiences and cultures
  • Offering internationally prevalent Credit-based system, with freedom to choose subjects of one’s choice
  • Adoption of latest teaching-learning pedagogies, incorporating the best ICT practices
  • Providing research opportunities at all levels, including real-time industry projects Adopting a system of formative assessment and evaluation across the curriculum, based on application of knowledge, project and research work, in addition to term examinations
  • Faculty comprising reputed academicians/scholars from India and abroad, chosen on the basis of academic credentials and industry experience
  • Providing state-of-the-art infrastructure including a Wi-Fi enabled campus with 24/7 broadband internet access
