
School of Agriculture & Veterinary Science


The School of Agriculture & Veterinary Science stands as a foundation of our society, fostering the well-being of both humans and creatures and playing a vital part in food security and global health. This blog delves into the significance of similar institutions, their core disciplines, their far-reaching impact, and the myriad openings they offer to scholars.
  • M.Sc .(Ag).AGRONOMY: A Certificate in Fire & Safety is a technical training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and chops necessary to help, respond to, and manage fire-related extremities and ensure safety in colorful surroundings. This program generally covers motifs similar to fire forestallment, exigency evacuation procedures
  • M.Sc .(Ag).AGRI.CHEMISTRY & SOIL SCIENCE: Masters in Agri Chemistry & Soil Science is a postgraduate program that focuses on the scientific study of agrarian chemistry and soil wisdom.
  • M.Sc . (Ag)(HORTICULTURE): Master in Horticulture is a postgraduate degree program that focuses on the scientific civilization and operation of fruits, vegetables, cosmetic shops, and other crops of horticultural significance. This technical agrarian field combines principles of factory wisdom, genetics, soil operation, and crop product to optimize the growth, quality
  • M.Sc .(Ag).PLANT BREEDING & GENETICS: Masters in Factory Parentage and Genetics is a postgraduate program that focuses on the scientific principles and ways involved in perfecting the inheritable makeup of shops to develop new and better crop kinds.
  • B.Sc(AGRICULTURE) Hons.: A Bachelorette of Science(B.Sc) in Agriculture with Honors( Hons) is an undergraduate academic degree program that focuses on the scientific and practical aspects of husbandry.
  • B.Tech.(AGRI.ENGINEERING): A Bachelorette of Technology in Agricultural Engineering, frequently shortened as. B.Tech.( Agri. Engineering), is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the operation of engineering principles and technology to agrarian practices
  • B.Sc Forestry: A Bachelorette of Science in Forestry(B.Sc Forestry) is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the scientific study and operation of timber ecosystems. It encompasses a wide range of subjects related to timbers, including tree biology, timber ecology
  • B.Sc Agri + MBA (Agri-Business): A B.Sc in Agriculture combined with an MBA in Agri-Business is a binary-degree program that equips scholars with a unique mix of agrarian knowledge and business intelligence.
1 M.Sc .(Ag).AGRONOMY 4 Semesters B.Sc.(AGRICULTURE) 25000 1000 1200
2 M.Sc .(Ag).AGRI.CHEMISTRY & SOIL SCIENCE 4 Semesters B.Sc.(AGRICULTURE) 25000 1000 1200
3 M.Sc . (Ag)(HORTICULTURE) 4 Semesters B.Sc.(AGRICULTURE/ HORTICULTURE) 25000 1000 1200
4 M.Sc .(Ag).PLANT BREEDING & GENETICS 4 Semesters B.Sc.(AGRICULTURE) 25000 1000 1200
5 B.Sc(AGRICULTURE) Hons. 8 Semesters 12th(PCM/PCB/AGRI.) 27500 1000 1200
6 B.Sc.(HORTICULTURE) Hons. 8 Semesters 12th(PCM/PCB/AGRI.) 27500 1000 1200
7 B.Tech.(AGRI.ENGINEERING) 8 Semesters 12th(PCM/PCB/AGRI.) 30000 1000 1200
8 B.Sc Forestry 8 Semesters 12th With Agri/PCB/PCM 12500 1000 1200
9 B.Sc Agri + MBA (Agri Business) 10 Semesters 12th 30000 1000 1200
10 Diploma In Animal Care(First Aid) 2 Semesters 10th 31500 1000 1200
11 DIPLOMA (AGRICULTURE) 6 Semesters 10th 12000 1000 1200
12 VLDA 4 Semesters 12th 15000 1000 1200
13 Animal Health Worker (AHW) 2 Semesters 10th 31500 1000 1200
14 LIFE STOCK ASSISTANT 4 Semesters 12th(PCB/AGRI.) 17500 1000 1200


The School of Agriculture & Veterinary Science is a vital institution that underpins food security, public health, and the well-being of creatures. Its disciplines encompass a wide range of motifs, from factory genetics to beast surgery, all aimed at icing the health and substance of our earth. Graduates from these programs have different career options and the occasion to make a positive impact on society by addressing pressing global challenges. Whether you are passionate about cultivating crops, minding for creatures, or icing a safe and sustainable food force, these seminaries offer a pathway to a fulfilling and poignant career.
